
Isometric Gaming Paper Rolls

Created by Erik Bauer

Huge 12 foot by 30-inch rolls of isometric paper to give your players an immersive 3D gaming experience.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Mats have shipped!
over 7 years ago – Tue, Sep 05, 2017 at 10:35:54 PM

If the fellow at the Post Office can be trusted you should receive your mats domestically by Wednesday!  They were shipped on Saturday.

The packages all include care instructions, please read.  Most Importantly THE MATS ARE WET ERASE ONLY!

Have fun!  International mats will be shipping today!

Thanks for your support and patience!


Back from GenCon and the mats arrived!
over 7 years ago – Thu, Aug 31, 2017 at 12:31:50 AM

The mats were supposed to arrive last week Monday, but they arrived this week Monday.  They stayed the week in Chicago for reasons I cannot understand.

We are going through all the mats to make sure that they do not have any damage at all because they arrived looking like this:

Not how I was expecting it to look
Not how I was expecting it to look

 So far there is minimal damage to the rolls.  The boxes and the pallet are totally shot.

Shipping starts tomorrow!  

Thanks for your patience and support.


No mats for Gencon
over 7 years ago – Thu, Aug 10, 2017 at 10:53:59 PM

Monday, after we return from GenCon the wet-erase mats will be delivered and we will begin shipping.

We tried to get the shipping company to offload the mats in Los Angeles and ship them directly to me, but they are in a container with other (non-Gaming Paper) items that need to go to Chicago.  They refused to separate ours out.

The good news is we will begin shipping the moment they arrive!  So, you will have mats in your hands very soon. 

Thanks for your patience and support.

Late Post
over 7 years ago – Sat, Jul 29, 2017 at 12:13:05 AM

Sorry to send this so late.  We had a problem with the finished mats.  On the prototype mat, the lines were a touch off (a millimeter or two), that was because the printer used a machine that was too small to handle the mats and try to accommodate them by printing in two parts.  I paid a premium to have the mats printed on a larger machine to ensure a quality product.  The printer decided to use the smaller machine anyway and it showed.  The pictures of the produced mats were still off, not by as much, but still unacceptable.

At an additional cost, the mats have been reprinted correctly on the correct machine.

I received my first shipping update this morning.  The mats have been shipped and are on the water now.  They are expected to arrive in LA on August 8th.  I expect them to arrive at me a week late on the August 15th (I hope to have them in time for GenCon, fingers crossed).

No excuses, with the additional time, cost, stress, and headache I had a terrible time getting to the keyboard to write an update.  Now that I have a concrete landing date I feel like we are making progress.  Again, not an excuse, I should have updated you as this was all happening.

Thank you for supporting Gaming Paper, bearing with me, and understanding.  You will be delighted with the product.

Isometric Wet Erase Mats
almost 8 years ago – Wed, May 24, 2017 at 07:01:08 PM

Quick update.  The mats are being produced as we speak.  I will have a better ETA soon, but they are in production.  My expectation is that they will arrive at Gaming Paper HQ in late June and to you in early July.  

Based on your feedback the decision was made to lighten and thin all the lines on the mat.  To do that we had to change the printing process.  Changing the process increased the cost by about 20%, but the final product will be much nicer.   You may have noticed on the sample that the lines were imperfect, the final product will be right on.

With this product, there wasn't much that could be done about the shine unless we wanted to negatively impact erasability.  So, the shine stays, but the wet erase markers wiped off clean after weeks of sitting (not recommended).

Thank you for your patience as we searched for the right material to make this product.  Your patience will be rewarded.  
